Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Dirty Dishes

Have you ever noticed that every dishwasher related commercial on tv is like......

And real life (or at least at my house) it's like....

Life feels like the overloaded dishwasher right now. We are processing vendor applications. The musicians are being scheduled. We are sending out press releases to local news outlets. Everything that is not made on the farm (mugs, t-shirts, maple coated nuts, tea) needs to be priced and packaged. We still need to drive to Michigan to pick up our reverse osmosis machine and supply order. 

Oh...we still need to tap the trees and make a lot of syrup. The guys are monitoring the weather like mad men and are arguing if we should or should not tap this weekend. 

 On top of everything, I have a fussy two year old who is currently throwing a tantrum on the kitchen floor because I wouldn't let him feed the package of fresh strawberries I just bought to the dog. 

No matter what your dishwasher looks like, the dishes will eventually get clean and it probably won't hurt the dog to eat a few strawberries....right?

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